Character Guide: Tadeo’s Townmate

Name: Unknown (Tadeo’s Townmate)

Sex: M

Race: Indio

Occupation: Student





Not much is known about Tadeo’s townmate. He is from the same province as Tadeo, though the province is not specified. He is currently living in Manila, staying in Macaraig’s house.


Chapter 21: Tadeo’s townmate only appears in one chapter as he and Tadeo watch people arrive at the theater. Tadeo’s townmate believes Tadeo when he claims to know everyone personally, pointing out people and describing them to the townmate even though his stories about them are untrue. Tadeo points out Pepay and Ben Zayb. Tadeo’s townmate continues asking who various people are, but Tadeo is distracted for a while by Paulita Gomez.

When Tadeo recognizes a businessman and tells his townmate that the man wants to be a Spanish mestizo, Tadeo’s townmate sees his daughters and is surprised that they are white-skinned. Tadeo explains that that is why rice is more expensive, and that the daughters eat nothing but bread.

Tadeo and his townmate greet Macaraig, Pecson, Sandoval and Isagani, who are going to watch the play. Macaraig asks if they are coming but Tadeo says they could not get tickets. Macaraig invites Tadeo and Tadeo’s townmate to join them since Basilio did not come. While Tadeo says yes, Tadeo’s townmate refuses because he is shy.

Physical Description

Tadeo’s townmate’s appearance is not described.


Tadeo’s townmate is curious but gullible, believing Tadeo’s stories about knowing many famous people in Manila. He is curious and not afraid to ask Tadeo to identify people they see in the streets. He is described as “timid” in Chapter 21, which is said to be a trait common in provincial Indios.





See Relationships of Tadeo’s Townmate





Character Guide